Coachella would have been kicking off the summer festival season this weekend, but due to the Coronavirus, it has sadly, and smartly been postponed. But that’s no reason to sit around and mope about all the fun you were supposed to be having. Instead, let’s have some fun and have a “Homechella”. Yep, you read that right, you can have your own Coachella at home. It’s time to bust out your cut off shorts, take a shot, and have a dance party in your living room!
Youtube is full of videos of Coachella sets, just search for your favorite Coachella artists and put on one of their performances. Coachella is also putting out a documentary of the festival over the last 20 years, it comes out today – April 10th! So there is no shortage of Coachella content out there to watch.
Tips for your first Homechella

- Clear a good space in your living room so that you have room to dance. This might mean moving the coffee table and/or couch for maximum dance space.
- Have a list of artists or sets you want to see so you can put them on one right after the other without having to think and search for videos.
- Get your friends in on it. Call up your usual Coachella crew and face time or zoom while you lay around on the floor reminiscing about past Coachella.
- Set up the bar. Since you are in you’re own home you’ll be playing bartender as well as a festival attendee, so make whatever you want. I’m guessing it’ll be whatever is in your fridge. Vodka and La Croix is always a classy choice.
- Bring your water bottle with you. Just because you’re not out in the desert heat doesn’t mean you’ll want to get dehydrated. If you’re dancing around you are going to get thirsty.
- Have snacks with you as well. You never know when you’re going to get hungry and walking to the kitchen can be such a drag. Plus you don’t want to miss a moment of your favorite set.
- Take a ton of selfies, how else will people know that you are having more fun than them in isolation. And I mean, you’re actually dressed up, people need to see your outfit.
Homechella Fashion

At Coachella, anything goes as far as fashion is concerned. People wear underwear at the actual festival, so if you want to sit around in nothing but your underoos at home then by all means. I tend to value comfort as much as style in my everyday life and if I’m going to end up drunk on my living room floor what I’m wearing better be comfy. That being said, I still want to look cute enough to take some selfies. So I’d go with the sort of boho style, lots of flowing fabric and lose waistbands.
Do’s: flowy boho outfits, anything with a loose waistband, hats, flower crowns, temporary tattoos, kimonos, your comfiest underpants, sundresses, flowy shorts, overalls
Don’ts: heavy chunky jewelry, those weird plate metal skirts that everyone seemed to be wearing last year, corsets, uncomfortable lingerie, anything glittery (you do not want that shit all over your house), shoes (I mean, what’s the point right?)
Some of my favorites!
Shows not to miss!

Here is a list of shows, some of the sets have been mutually agreed upon as some of Coachella’s best, and some are just my personal favorites. Anyways it’s a good place to start when putting together your playlist.
- Beyonce
- Arcade Fire
- 2Pac Hologram with Snoop Dog and Dr. Dre
- Daft Punk
- Justice
- Prince
- Elle Goulding
- Sia
- LCD Sound System
- The Flaming Lips
- Chic
- Kanye West
- The Pixies
- Odesza
If you have any recommendations for Coachella shows to watch let me know in the comments! And have a very happy Homechella this weekend!
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