A few weeks a go I headed out to Indio, California with a group of friends for the Coachella Music Festival. It was a a weekend fill with good music, good friends, and lots of dancing.

This year was a lot of fun for me because it was the first time I’d been in several years and it was also Rob’s first big music festival ever.
Our group of 12 rented a cute house with a pool in La Quinta, just 15 minutes from the festival. It was so nice to hang out in the pool with mimosas during the day before heading over to the festival grounds in the the afternoon.

Some of the musical highlights of the weekend for me were Edward Sharp and the Magnetic Zeros, Of Monsters and Men, Major Lazer, Robert DeLong, Guns N Roses and Grimes. But the two sets that really blew me aways were Ellie Goulding and Sia. Those ladies put on such amazing shows. They we each very different Ellie Goulding had tremendous energy, and went from singing and dancing to playing guitar, to playing drums. That is seriously one talented chick! Sia’s performance was like watching performance art. She had dancers and a few celebrities performing some seriously modern dances, while she stood off to the side and just sang.
I always like the second weekend a little more, its just more chill. It doesn’t have the celebrities and therefore doesn’t have a lot of that hype, which is more my style. The crowds were mellow and the vibes were good.
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